Video: Eventregistratie ITEA 2017
Ready to begin your career in Amsterdam? The International Talent Event Amsterdam (ITEA) prepares students and graduates to enter the workforce. You’ll come face-to-face with recruiters from top companies, sharpen your CV-writing and interviewing skills, and learn to impress future employers. Join us on Friday, 21 April 2017 at The Student Hotel.
Get LinkedIn profile picture taken by Young Financials’ professional photographer.
Receive individual CV and LinkedIn feedback from corporate recruiters and career professionals.
Get speed coaching, a crash-course in general career guidance, giving you the chance to ask questions to an experienced coach.
Meet with potential employers in a one-to-one setting.
Join company workshops, guest lectures and career-skills workshops on topics such as ‘Finding a job after graduation’, ‘How to write a winning CV’ and ‘LinkedIn’.
Get to know the companies through a 10-minute ‘pitch and talk’ session, in which potential employers pitch their company to you in a silent disco style, with the chance to ask questions afterwards.